XMC Major (rtd) Ramli Ab Rahim The Doer

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Assembling The Malaysian Best Book Speakers

Zubli Zainordin


The Malaysian Best Book Speakers

The National Book Development Foundation stands erect upon four major components. One of the components is the Book Academy Malaysia.

It is an advantage that the CEO of the Foundation, and the Head of the Academy, together they have the political leaders connection, and they are responsible to obtain funding for projects.

With that, a Steer can move forward, onward, and upward.

I am thinking now of assembling Malaysia Best Book Speakers.

The most important to me at this point in time is their Core Competencies as a criteria of selection, as a member of a team.

The Core competencies include:

01. Book Expertise

02. Public Speaking Excellence

I have not the opportunity to witness any of the existing performers. I shall, soon.

The preference shall not include an individual who are expert on books, but is a lousy speaker. Similarly, excellence public speakers who does not know the totality of book pubshing.

I shall be observing 3 academicians, namely Dr Ilias Zaidi, Ali Dina, and Hasri Hasan.

Dr Ilias Zaidi is well known in Malaysia. He is a prolific writer and book author. He is a former University Lecturer.

Ali Dina is well known in the book publishing sector. He is a former University Lecturer. He is anctive contributor to the National Book Development Foundation, Book Academy Malaysia, and an online book community bukuonline.org.

Hassan Hasri is up and coming into establishing his own name within the book publishing industry. He is at present a part time University Lecturer. He is with a publishing house now.

There are nine more, I shall obtain their curriculum vitae.

The God willing there must be more to be identified...

Zubli Zainordin
Chief Operations Officer
National Book Development Foundation

Tags: ali, best, book, dina, hasan, hasri, ilias, industry, malaysian, speakers

Ramli Abdul Rahim Comment by Ramli Abdul Rahim on April 6, 2009 at 8:49am
Delete Comment Salam COO

I can do the talking the walking and the working. InsyaAllah

Major Ramli

The author of;

The runner of

Human Development Program:
Motivational Program
Organizational Communication
Strategic Management
Media Relations
Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on April 6, 2009 at 9:02am
Delete Comment Please write here AMC some pieces on Book Authoring ya Ramli Abdul Rahim. We (the YPBN) will view you from then on.

I thank you. Salute!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

AMC Book Authors Group

Zubli Zainordin

AMC Book Authors Hub (ABAH)


AMC Book Authors Hub (ABAH)

Alumni Mass Comm mencatat rentetan kehidupannya selepas Konvo. Catatan ini kelak dibukukan.

Location: Portal AMC
Members: 4
Latest Activity: Apr 2

Members (4)

Zubli Zainordin Hasri Hasan Aidi Rosli Khalim Ramli Abdul Rahim
Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on April 1, 2009 at 12:02pm
Delete Comment Nice, yet why trial and error?
Hasri Hasan Comment by Hasri Hasan on April 1, 2009 at 10:33am
Delete Comment Tuan Zubli,

Publisher's Lab is the place where we will do exactly what the real publisher will do (edit, design, print, publish, promo, market, sell) but we will have the luxury for trial and error in any new venture we try in the lab... that is what the lab are for... if the project succesfully done, we could transfer the model to the real world.

In the Lab we will try to practice what we preach... apa yang kita ajar di Akademi mesti di amalkan dalam lab ini..supaya cakap serupa bikin.
Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on March 31, 2009 at 3:18pm
Delete Comment Boleh jelaskan Publisher's Lab. Sejak mendengarnya tertarik, namun belum faham lagi.
Hasri Hasan Comment by Hasri Hasan on March 31, 2009 at 2:45pm
Delete Comment Di bawah Book Expo harus ada
1. International Publishing Seminar & Covention
2. Waqaf Buku (minta publishers sedekah remainder book)
3. Kampung Buku
4. Copyright center (tempat jual beli hakcipta di Malaysia)

Di bawah Akademi harus ada:
1. Akademi Buku
2. Publisher's Lab (wujudkan satu model publishing house yang ideal)
3. Journal of Book Publishing Studies
Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on March 31, 2009 at 2:38pm
Delete Comment Ya, memang idaman kita sejak tulisan Bukuwan Shahrom itu. InsyaAllah, kita akan terajui itu selain yang di Sri Menanti dan seterusnya seluruh Malaysia.
Hasri Hasan Comment by Hasri Hasan on March 31, 2009 at 2:31pm
Delete Comment

saudara sekalian,

Saya baru terbaca tentang artikel 'Kampung Buku Langkawi' oleh Sdr Shaharom TM Sulaiman, artikel lama.. ketika kemas-kemas rak buku kat rumah

Kalau tak silap Kampung Buku Langkawi ini sudah terkubur (betul ke?)... apa silapnya? adakah kerana Tan Sri Sanusi Junid (seorang ulat buku yang tegar) sudah tidak lagi menjadi MB Kedah?

Perkampungan ini dibina adlah Kampung Buku yang ke-18 di dunia berdasarkan model Kampung Buku Hay-On-Whye di Wales, UK dan Redu Book Village (Belgium)

Kalau benar2 terkubur sayang sekali kerana saya pernah ke sana 10 tahun yang lalu dan banyak buku-buku antik & rare book ada di sana.. Apa kata TERAJU kembali kan Kampung Buku agar para pencinta buku yang tegar boleh menghabiskan masa di situ... combined sekali dengan projek Waqaf Buku
Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on March 30, 2009 at 11:28pm
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Editorial Reviews
Product Description
This collection of stories and poems, created by members of the Published Authors Forum on the world wide web, reflects the bond of friendship between writers from all over the world. Forever Friends is a celebration of the power of friendship and human relationships. The breadth and depth of the stories cover all ages from young to old. Filled with love and respect for family, friends, pets and even a telescope, these stories are guaranteed to entertain the most discerning reader. Thoughtful poems of friendship and love will bring smiles or tears and encourage readers to read the next story. The fiction and non-fiction works in this book express friendship as timeless, enduring and forever.
Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on March 30, 2009 at 9:12pm
Delete Comment Ruang masih luas terbuka...

Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on March 29, 2009 at 9:21am
Delete Comment Itu bidang kepakaran Aidi.

diharapkan sepenting ini boleh disegerakan...
Hasri Hasan Comment by Hasri Hasan on March 29, 2009 at 9:06am
Delete Comment Tuan Aidi & Tuan Zubli,

Saya fikir sudah tiba masa untuk kita teh-tarikkan perkara ini..
bagi tau saya bila masanya, kita rancang timeline and kenalpasti target audience..


Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on March 28, 2009 at 10:04pm
Delete Comment Cantik Aidi Rosli Khalim.

Tiba masa kita kisahkan buku yang kita ingin terbitkan dan pasar jualkan.
Aidi Rosli Khalim Comment by Aidi Rosli Khalim on March 28, 2009 at 8:11pm
Delete Comment ..

Tuan Zubli & Tuan Hasri,

Saya ada dua Judul buku yang boleh dikomersialkan yang saya nampak jalan yang lurus.

Satu Judul mudah dan satu lagi agak ilmiah. Prasarana kos akan dapat ditanggong oleh pihak korporat.

Nanti kita bincang semasa agenda Teh-Tarik. Dateline 12 bulan mungkin sudah cukup.

Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on March 28, 2009 at 12:37pm
Delete Comment Selepas Konvokasyen, batch kami paling gamat, dan kini bersendirian, memikirkan apa selepas ini?

Dapatkan pekerjaan di RTM? Atau di NSTP (Berita Harian)? Ada lagi pilihan lain. Tapi ada peluang untuk kembali ke ITM, sebagai Pensyarah.

Apa opsyen terbaik?

InsyaAllah bersambung...
Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on March 28, 2009 at 12:34pm
Delete Comment Nama:
Zubli Zainordin

Tahun Sertai & Bergelar Graduan:
Julai 1978 - Disember 1981

Kod M13 (Penyiaran),

Lulusan Dalam Komunikasi Massa.
Diploma Komunikasi Massa

Konsultan Buku


Telefon Bimbit:
017 236 0063

411 Blok 19, Section8, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on March 28, 2009 at 12:25pm
Delete Comment zubli.s.ebook@gmail.com

Hasri Hasan Comment by Hasri Hasan on March 28, 2009 at 11:05am
Delete Comment Set-upkan satu saluran komunikasi (emel atau melalui lama AMC ini) untuk alumni menghantar cerita + gambar
Hasri Hasan Comment by Hasri Hasan on March 28, 2009 at 11:04am
Delete Comment Setiap alumni boleh sertakan maklumat berikut:

1. Rentetan kehidupan dari hari selepas konvo sehingga hari ini
2. Maklumat diri dan alamat untuk dihubungi (kita letakkan nanti di bahagian lampiran sebagai 'alumni directory'
3. gambar-gambar nostalgic - juga akan dimasukkan ke bahagian lampiran sebagai 'gambar-gambar kenangan'
Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin on March 28, 2009 at 10:18am
Delete Comment Sila catatkan rentetan kehidupan anda ya, mula dengan ~ Selepas Konvokasyen...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kursus Pengurusan Ketegangan

Pengurusan Ketegangan Berkesan

Effective Stress Management

Kursus 3 Hari

(A 3-Days Course)



Guru Vokasional

(Vokasional Teachers)

Kendalian Oleh

(Conducted By)



I. Objektif Kursus

a. Untuk mendedahkan gambaran total perihal ketegangan
b. Untuk menyedarkan kehidupan penuh ketegangan
c. Untuk mendidik cara pengurusan ketegangan paling berkesan

II. Manfaat Kursus

a. Peserta memahami Gambaran Total Perihal Ketegangan
b. Peserta merasai pengalaman diri dalam kehidupan penuh ketegangan
c. Peserta mengetahui cara pengurusan ketegangan paling berkesan

III. Metodologi Kursus

a. Conscientization

b. Ceramah

c. Kajian Kes

d. Memasuki Peranan

e. Contoh dan Demonstrasi

f. Latihan Amali

g. Pelan Tindakan

IV. Modul Kursus ~ Modul

1. Gambaran Total Ketegangan
(A Total View Of Stress)

2. Ketegangan Tumpuan Anda dan Orang Lain
(Stress A Focus On You and Others)

3. Pengurusan Ketegangan
(Stress Management)

V. Perincian Kandungan Kursus

A. Gambaran Total Ketegangan
(A Total View Of Stress)

A 1. Apakah Ketegangan
(What Is Stress)

A 2. Penyebab Ketegangan
(Causes Of Stress)

A 3. Isyarat, Tanda, Simtom Ketegangan
(Signals, Signs, Symptoms Of Stress)

A 4. Di Mana Tempat Fizikal Ketegangan Boleh Berlaku
(Where A Physical Place Stress Can Occur)

A 5. Di Mana Tempat Bukan Fizikal ~ Zone Herot Dan Ketegangan Menjadi Beban
(Where A Non Physical Place Is ~ Erroneous Zone And Stress Accumulates To Becoming A Burden)

A 6. Resa Asas Berhadapan Ketegangan ~ Lawan Atau Lari
(A Basic Instinct Instinct Confronting ~ Fight Or Flight)

A 7. Pusingan Ketegangan
(Stress Cycles)

A 8. Arah Datang Ketegangan ~ Faktor Luaran Dan Faktor Dalaman
(Incoming Direction Of Stress ~ Internal and External Factors)

Practise Safe Stress

B. Ketegangan ~ Tumpuan Anda dan Orang Lain
(Stress ~ A Focus On You and Others)

B 1. Di Mana Kedudukan Manusia Atas Kontinuum Kehidupan
(Where Is The Position Of Human On The Continuum Of Life)

B 2. Aspek Kehidupan Total
(Total Life Aspects)

7 Aspek Kehidupan Mikro
(7 Micro Aspects Of Life)

7 Aspek Kehidupan Makro
(7 Macro Aspects Of Life)

7 Aspek Kehidupan Metakro
(7 Metacro Aspects Of Life)

B 3. Manusia Merencana Tuhan Menentukannya
(* Huwman Proposes The God Disposes)

* Human, w added as a respect for women

9 Masalah Dalam Kehidupan
(9 Problems In Life)

9 Cabaran Dalam Kehidupan
(9 Challenges In Life)

9 Kestabilan Dalam Kehidupan
(9 Stabilization in Life)

9 Kepuncakan Dalam Kehidupan
(9 Peaks In Life)

B 4. Gaya hidup ~
(Lifestyles ~ A Choice, An Option, A Preference)

B 5. Kawalan ~ Kepusatan Untuk Mengelakkan Ketegangan Dan Mencapai Kemerdekaan Total
(Control ~ Centering To Avoid Stress And Attain Total Freedom)

C. Pengurusan Ketegangan
(Stress Management)

C 1. Slm

C 2. Membina Istana Dalaman

(Building An Inner Castle)

C 3. Pergerakan Dari Mangsa Transformasi Kesinambungan Kematangan Sehingga Menang
(A Movement From Being A Victim Next A Continuous Maturity Transformation Until A Victor)

C 4. Kelegaan Ketegangan ~ 25 Cara Mengurangkan Ketegangan Cadangan Pakar
(Stress Relievers ~ 25 Ways To Reduce Stress An Expert Proposal)

C 5. Order, Imbangan, Harmoni ~ Diri Dan Yang Berkaitan
(Order, Balance, Harmony ~ Self And What Are Related)

C 6. 7 Langkah Kejayaan Total Mengatasi Stress
(7 Steps To Total Success Overcoming Stress)

C 7. Siapa? Apa? Bila? Di Mana? Kenapa? Bagaimana?
(Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

Agenda Bertindak Induk Dan Amalan Harian Afdal
(Master Action Agenda and Vital Daily Practices

VI. Jadual Kursus



08:15 – 10:15

10:30 – 12:00


02:30 – 03:30


03:45 – 05:00

Hari Pertama

Modul 1

Gambaran Total Ketegangan
(A Total View Of Stress)

Ceramah 1

A 1. Apakah Ketegangan
(What Is Stress)

A 2.

Penyebab Ketegangan
(Causes Of Stress)

A 3.

Isyarat, Tanda, Simtom Ketegangan
(Signals, Signs, Symptoms Of Stress)

Ceramah 2

A 4. Di Mana Tempat Fizikal Ketegangan Boleh Berlaku
(Where A Physical Place Stress Can Occur)

A 5. Di Mana Tempat Bukan Fizikal ~ Zone Herot Dan Ketegangan Menjadi Beban
(Where A Non
Physical Place Is ~ Erroneous Zone And Stress Accumulates To Becoming A Burden)

Ceramah 3

A 6. Resa Asas Berhadapan Ketegangan ~ Lawan Atau Lari
(A Basic Instinct Instinct Confronting ~ Fight Or Flight)

A 7. Pusingan Ketegangan
(Stress Cycles)

Ceramah 4

A 8. Arah Datang Ketegangan ~ Faktor Luaran Dan Faktor Dalaman
(Incoming Direction Of Stress ~ Internal and External Factors)

Hari Kedua

Modul 2

Ketegangan Tumpuan Anda dan Orang Lain
(Stress A Focus On You and Others)

Ceramah 5

B 1. Di Mana Kedudukan Manusia Atas Kontinuum Kehidupan
(Whare Is The Position Of Human On The Continuum Of Life)

Ceramah 6

B 2. Aspek Kehidupan Total
(Total Life Aspects)

7 Aspek Kehidupan Mikro
(7 Micro Aspects Of Life)

7 Aspek Kehidupan Makro
(7 Macro Aspects Of Life)

7 Aspek Kehidupan Metakro
(7 Metacro Aspects Of Life)

Ceramah 7

B 3. Manusia Merencana Tuhan Menentukannya
(Huwman Proposes The God Disposes)

9 Masalah Dalam Kehidupan
(9 Problems In Life)

9 Cabaran Dalam Kehidupan
(9 Challenges In Life)

9 Kestabilan Dalam Kehidupan
(9 Stabilization in Life)

9 Kepuncakan Dalam Kehidupan
(9 Peaks In Life)

Ceramah 8

B 4. Gaya hidup ~
(Lifestyles ~ A Choice, An Option, A Preference)

B 5. Kawalan ~ Kepusatan Untuk Mengelakkan Ketegangan Dan Mencapai Kemerdekaan Total
(Control ~ Centering To Avoid Stress And Attain Total Freedom)

Hari Ketiga

Modul 3

3. Pengurusan Ketegangan
(Stress Management)

Ceramah 9

C 1. Slm

C 2. Membina Istana Dalaman (Building an
Inner Castle)

C 3. Pergerakan Dari Mangsa Transformasi Kesinambungan Kematangan Sehingga Menang
(A Movement From Being A Victim Next A Continuous Maturity Transformation Until A Victor)

Ceramah 10

C 4. Kelegaan Ketegangan ~ 25 Cara Mengurangkan Ketegangan Cadangan Pakar
(Stress Relievers ~ 25 Ways To Reduce Stress An Expert Proposal)

Ceramah 11

C 5. Order, Imbangan, Harmoni ~ Diri Dan Yang Berkaitan
(Order, Balance, Harmony ~ Self And What Are Related)

C 6. 7 Langkah Kejayaan Total Mengatasi Stress
(7 Steps To Total Success Overcoming Stress)

Ceramah 12

C 7. Siapa? Apa? Bila? Di Mana? Kenapa? Bagaimana?
(Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

Agenda Bertindak Induk Dan Amalan Harian Afdal
(Master Action Agenda and Vital Daily Practices

VII. Penceramah Dan Jurulatih Kursus

Zubli Zainordin


017 236 0063


Blog: http://www.infozublizainordin.wordpress.com/

Keturunan Achin (Bapa Acheh, dan Ibu Cina). Pencari Kebenaran sejak berusia 12 tahun. Penemu: Kunci Kejayaan Total Diri (1987), Rahsia Kejayaan Total (2000) Kunci Kejayaan Total Pasukan (2003), Punca Kejayaan Total (2004), Wayang Total (2005), Proses Integrasi (2006), Nilai Total (2007) Kelulusan Akademik: M. Sc. in Communication - Radio/Television/Film (USA) Diploma in Mass Communication (ITM Shah Alam)

Pengasas Sains dan Seni Jaya Diri Total


Motivasi Diri & Kecemerlangan Organisasi



Bina Pasukan

Wayang Total

Penggemar, Pembaca dan Pencinta Buku

Terjemahan Al-Quran

Telah baca Buku Karya:

Napoleon Hill Zig Ziglar Wayne W. Dyer Denis Waitley Anthony Robbins Shad Helmstetter Stephen R. Covey Dan Lain-lain Lagi


Sudah Terbit: Rahsia Menjadi Insan Bahagia (1994)

Dalam Proses: SIKAP Dibiar Kita Mundur Diurus Kita Maju PUNCAK JAYA Syoknya Kehidupan di Universiti Teladanilah MAT JENIN Petua Bagaimana Angan-angan Anda Jadi Kenyataan YOUR WISDOM OF TOTAL HAPPINESS THE TOTAL MOVIE: Experiencing Your Total Success Now On The Peak Of Total Life There

“Baca !”, perentah-Nya, akupun patuh.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cheap Final Box

Child In A Box

If It's Such a Small World Then Why Have I Been Sitting On This Airplane For Twelve Hours?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thinking Outside The Box Or Be?

Picture of the Nine Dots puzzle

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Think Outside the Box Or Be Outside the Box?
Posted: Oct 28th, 2006 |

A wise individual may choose to ascribe to any fact that is consistent with the law of nature. This individual chooses to be a believer in the power of thoughts, insists upon the proper practices of correct thinking, and persists in the enjoyments of his or her choices to think in the right way.

This individual understands and accepts the following facts into his or her daily living, that include:
* thoughts are things,
* you are what you think,
* think and grow rich,
* change your thinking and you shall change your life,
* and more.

By believing and by the act of doing, this individual transforms himself or herself, from a level of striving to a stage of arriving on the peak of total success in almost all areas of his or her life. This individual belongs to those group of people who make things happened.

However, there are a great majority of people who oppose, refute, and trangress from the facts relating to the unchanging mental laws. These individuals are those who wonder what is happening, and those who wander what has happened. With veils upon their sights, they seek popular conjecture and hearsay and begin to subscribe other ways of thinking. Especially, think outside the box!

At this point it is pertinent to ask, why think outside the box, when you can choose to be outside the box! A choice between freedoom and total freedom!

Let us recall in order to realize that at one time or another, throughout your life, you may have read somewhere, or heard someone says this phrase; think outside the box.

Please say, "yes".

There was also a point in time, when one of us may have written or said to someone else; think outside the box.

Again, please say, "yes".

Around the globe, the mass media archives are filled with an accumulation of, think outside the box. In addition, leaders, managers, supervisors, politicians, professors, motivational speakers, and others, with good intention of course, have adviced the masses to think outside the box.

For many years since 1983, I have had, a cognitive dissonance (not a beautiful but a terrible noise) in my mind, in relations to this inconsistent phrase. There is always someone who say and write to me, "think outside the box".

Then, "bang!" a sudden inner explosion within me occured in 2003, after which in my mind is a peaceful silence. Wow! Then followed by an experience of a wonderful realization and the purpose of sharing with you this discovery.

I started to draf a manuscript "the total movie: experiencing your total life now on the peak of total success there".

More at http://www.zublizainordin.blogspot.com/.

I proceed with verbal and vocal invitations, "why think outside the box, let us be outside the box".

This call is because I have discovered that everyone who have written it, read it, said it, heard it, or was in anyway became a part of it, promoting think outside the box, is totally correct! I emphasize this, they are totally correct, because by logic to be able to think outside the box one must be inside the box? How can it be otherwise!

Right? Please say, "yes".

It seems to me, with the exception of a few, many people are actually in the box. That is why, when in the darkness of the box, they knocked themselves against a stumbling block, then they give or receive advice to think. Yes, that's right, think outside the box.

Another pertinent question, I put forward here to you now, is that why are you in the box in the first place? In addition, why do you want to continuously be inside the box, in the second place?

Do you remember, a noble man a long time ago had asked similar questions when he sketched what is known since, as the "Plato's Cave". Throughout history I believe that there have been a minority of individuals communicating the same message to wake up the sleeping majority in the box. Else, those who are either in one box or another!

Please observe now, yourself and others around you. Then, ask:
* am I not in a box called life?
* am I confined in a house when actually I desire a home?
* am I enjoying harmony with my spouse or am I entangled in a web of complex inter-personal relationships?
* am I stranded with endless works in my office?
* why am I in a confinement of a box after another?

Do you now realize why the song Hotel California until today is so popular? Understand the lyrics and soon you also shall know that the majority of people are actually in the box. A prisoner of our own devise. So it seems.

Good news though. To anyone who is still in any form of a box, you may now choose, and decide to be outside the box. Then when you are out, shall you experience the joy of total freedom!

How may you get out of the box, and be in the open?

Learn from the following lesson. A natural birth. Please understand, each and everyone of us have had this experience before, an initial stage where one is in a mother's womb, and then out into the womb of mother nature. The first breath of life. The God intended this awesome act to teach us that we shall not continue to be inside it forever, but sooner or later we shall truly be outside it and into this world.

This world is a matrix, another trap, unless you do the following:
* Move away from any erroneous zones onto the straight path less travel,
* Awaken the giant within, pull your own strings, exercise unlimited power to explore the totality of life which even the sky is not the limit,
* Believe in daily miracles and real magic to manifest your sacred journey and true destiny, and also experience total life on the peak of total success,
* Practice habits of highly effective people, and I will see you at the top.

Thus eversince all those doings, I have always chosen to be outside of any box. A freedom so free, while most others choose to still be inside the box, and encountering a freedoom after another.

So now, at this point in time, let me extend a hand, if need be both hands to you, and I say come let us be outside the box. Real or pure illusion, stop now from being inside the box, or thinking outside the box. Let us enjoy our rights to experience total freedom outside. It is free.

Are you interested? Please say, "Yes!".

Some say, well, it is true when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I say, but what if the teacher who appears is also in the box? Then let me appear, not as a teacher, but as a concern citizen who is already out of the box. So whatever forms and sizes of the box you may be in, choose to be outside that box.

So when is the tima you are going to be outside the box? I say, do it now. Here is a reflection, before I ended up in this writing box, allow me to ask you this, have you attended a funeral recently? Soon, it is everyone's turn. Yours and mine too. There shall be a box at that moment, where you shall hear no coughin' inside it. That box is but a reminder of a life's journey from one box to another, and ended up lastly in a box also. Then it shall be too late, to really enjoy freedom. What a waste, ya? Please say, "yes".

So I invite you now, be wise and be outside the box while you still have a chance, before a time, you will be in nothing else but in a box. Surely, the final box!

Tags: thinking outside the box



Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin 1 day ago
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Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin 22 hours ago
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Zubli Zainordin Comment by Zubli Zainordin 22 hours ago
Delete Comment What About The Matrix?

Bob Azhar A.C.E @ Jaa - Ejen 005 Comment by Bob Azhar A.C.E @ Jaa - Ejen 005 5 hours ago
Delete Comment Just to add zing to think out of the box he he he

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